i came back to mm after 2 years today


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I am very much alive dota players are just fuckin psychos prolly back home on Monday

This is what happens when u thrust ur life out in to the open for dota players apparently Xd

Still plan on streaming and plenty of content just been forced outta commission for a bit here to make sure my personal life doesn’t fall apart cause of a few losers on a wannabe website

legendary turn of events


gonna be real here

if you let yourself get provoked into yelling at your computer so much you get the cops called on you in the early morning thats on you

Well threatening skmebody by saying you squat 220 is my only rebuttal to prove the level of moron I was dealing with

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Grats fuckface u can squat ur body weight

@lokimafialolhaha Welcome back. Will look for your stream. I have you added on Twitch.

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I can squat and shit bigger than ur body weight.

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Good feel free to tune in I still plan on teaching plenty about this lovely game :slight_smile: haha what a jackass I am right :slight_smile: better try to completely ruin my life Lmao :smile:

I mean you’d think a former top 15 na player wanting to stream and make content for a part of dota that desperately needs it would get met well but silly me I didn’t know dota players quite as well as I think I did

Hehe Lol Xd

Lol Haha

Also I was generous just now I was literally top 10 on the entire America’s leaderboards many times and at a time when people actually gave a shit about mmr/rank

Get top 200 to show that you are legit.

Unfortunately for legal concerns I can’t be on my phone much longer so just tune in starting Monday :slight_smile:

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the majority of this forum doesnt play dota anymore and there is a sizable contingency who think its a bad game now

That would take me literally 2 weeks but fine I guess I’ll even stream the whole climb

oh my fucking god

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