i came back to mm after 2 years today

Well they’re morons and they think that cuz they suck at the game

Well hopefully Monday I still gotta sort a few things out first

There’s no objective measure by which u can call dota a bad game

I suck at the game so I play AutoChess now, which I also suck at.

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It would only be subjective whining of ur own experiences where u drool over ur key board in some shitty attempt to carry a 4K game

Yeah auto chess is dope

Whatever brings more people to the game is a positive for the most part

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In any case, I am glad that you are still alive and not dead in a ditch. We all wondered what happened to you when you stopped posting. Glad you are ok.

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Thank u that actually does mean a lot hope u all weren’t too worried at least

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Welcome back Loki

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Can you clarify exactly what happened to you though?

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Nah can’t get into details much, just know that it’s been a fucking mess getting things sorted the way they should and that I should be back Monday or early this week in general

At least I know for a fact now that I’m bipolar and am on the proper meds :slight_smile:


Welcome back Loki love u


glad to hear u are ok loki much love <3

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It wasn’t that you “wanted to stream” it was that you were spamming the site about it.

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Can you not?

Welcome back!
It was never against you streaming, but rather against the constant self advertisement - glad to see you got that figured out though.
Also Dota doesn't really desperately need more "high skill" streamers, in all honesty, but do what you see fit.

Agreed. You could also say that there's no objective measure to anything ever.

The only way to be "objective" is to just state Base Mechanical Facts about the game ("The game is on steam", "It is a multiplayer game", "The game is developed by Valve Corporation, which hires psychologists");

but even while doing so, it's still possible to state Base Mechanical Flaws in the game while being completely "Objective".
For example:

  1. Every aspect of the game has an unnecessary RNG element to it which single-handedly decides many encounters. Creep EXP, Gold, and most importantly: Attack Damage.
    Whether you like it or not, attack damage RNG wins/loses lanes and therefore whole games, while you don't even notice. It also is the sole reason you made that "clutch escape" - and the reason the enemy got away with just that Sliver of HP.
    I know that it's from Warcraft, of course, and that it's inspired originally from more traditional RPG games where you roll dice for damage. But picture rolling a dice for every time you attack in Dota and calling it a "good" and "competitive" game - I'll leave you to decide that.

  2. Even the allpick Ban system is RNG, a coinflip every match to decide whether a ridiculously unbalanced hero would get through or not. They don't even allow multiple people to vote for the same hero.
    This also goes to show how poor the balancing in the game has been over the last couple of years; the simple fact that they HAD TO introduce a ban system to counteract it, but they somehow implemented it just as poorly as their balancing.

  3. The game is full of bugs, lists upon lists of them can be found on the dotadev forums (If those even still exist. I don't think valve have looked at them in years, honestly. Do they? I would like some inside information) and reddit.
    Gamebreaking bugs, the ability to completely ruin a game at will.

  4. The game's MMR system awards games played over performance/skill. When I stopped playing ranked, 4-5 years ago, I was higher MMR than many friends who I knew were better than me; simply because I played more.
    Yes, you could say that the better player will win more games in the long run, but that doesn't change this fact.

  5. Constant major hero and map reworks instead of fine tuned balancing, resulting in even more imbalance.
    This also makes the game harder to return to by older players.
    It has actually become the norm, the expected - people get bored and start calling current patches "Stale" quickly, and Valve just toss up the game and change half the heroes just to give them that "fresh" feeling - but that is not a long term solution.
    It also results in an overall concept of "Playing the Patch" instead of "Playing the Game", which is a proven unhealthy game design philosophy (see: modern World of Warcraft).
    I personally think that this is a very Lazy design philosophy as well, but that's just my opinion.

I could keep going but I think you get the point - I just wrote a list of "Objective Facts" for you, and there's still many more.
This is without even getting into stuff that could be perceived as more "subjective" despite being still entirely true.

Again, welcome back and good luck with your stream!


Well you make some good points.

Thank you.