i came back to mm after 2 years today

What’s ur stream

thanks for the kind words from people that arent degens =)

i remember when loki called me an ultra shitty moron every pub game those were the good old days.

i miss being 14 that shit pwned man

Im still a degen sadly

Welcome back, and sorry about degens antagonizing u for no reason. Fuck ur name tho dude nadota.coms taken and its a game made by Valve Psychologists

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lmfao well thank you for the kind words everyone i just got done with a solid 6 hour stream with no sleep and not sober so yea. gonna go eat and pass out and stream some more high mmr solo q games. i should have the emotes and 9kmmr bot and stuff set up by tomorrow and then everything will be good to go. plan on lots of streaming for the next 3 months or so. for teh record i commentate during games and talk with chat/play music louder during queues (istill play music while i play, let me know volume levels of stuff if its hard to hear). i have no problem goign full-time plus webcam + professional microphone if i get to 25 subs cuz money isnt that tight for me right now

thanks again for watching everyone have a great day including my buddy whats his face =}

Is iron talon axe good this patch

also i miss being 14 too. also also iron talon pms aquila were all shitty items and deserved to be removed

Hopefully ill have time soon to finish up the sidebar with twitch streamers in it so you can get a little recognition bump. Feel free to post whatever about dota here, id like to get more dota players back to have a place good players can shoot the shit without having to deal with milquetoast redditors

nice thanks man appreciate that. and yea everyones always more than welcome to stop by and ask me some dota question for Knowledge From the Offlane Slash Support Master

i feel like off/support is a role that doesnt get much streaming or like, content i guess so i wanna try to fill that niche as far as explaining how to play dota correctly

It’s hard because the only person that streams it is ixmike and he doesn’t talk

yea well i will talk plenty, too much if anything. so if that interests u stop on by. again i will get a real-ass profession mic and webcam at 25 subs then u can all see the glorious moustache ive been growing. mike would be proud for sure


also if whats his face apologized to me i would drop it there but if he wants to keep being a little faggot then let him i guess

Sry gotta remember to stay away from The F Word

? now i get time out’d in grant’s chat cuz his autist euro chat is screeching at me trying to ruin his stream lol. what an interesting ass 30 hours its been

If you wanna gain a following i would recommend trying to put out some curated content for the easy viral marketing and so people know you know your shit. Its just not very feasible to stream a ton and gain traction organically from it these days