I can’t fucking believe ewiz actually believes you can’t be racist towards white people

he’s literally fucking retarded







let’s go I’m ready


Master Race MAGA! :trumpapproves:

dropping this RAWNESS

its not so much that he doesnt believe that the definition you think of for racism cant be applied to white people

but that his definition cant (in the western european sphere of influence)

and that his definition is the correct one

and the better word for what you call racism is bigotry or prejudice


we’ve been over this man

yOu hAvE NeVeR eXpErIEncEd iNsTiTutIoNaLizEd RaCism

this is also not the hard hitting content missing from this website

What if I live in a nonwhite society? Yall fuckers have no idea what its like out here flipping signs in the middle of the murder capital of the US

Forntnite IRL but all I care about is paying my team 15$/week

this is too forced man

I used to get coke from a blood :slight_smile:

That definition is just wrong dude the shit I read in online communities that say “you can’t be racist towards white people!!” Are blatantly racist if you just replace white with any other race or replace it with Jewish for an easy one