I can’t fucking believe ewiz actually believes you can’t be racist towards white people

It turns out if you replace the most relevant word in a sentence it completely changes it!


it isnt wrong. that isnt how it works. words dont have meaning independent of the people saying and hearing them.

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wtf do you mean

The word racist can apply to white people it’s literally academia that’s attempting to redefine it

if u guys can’t seem to grasp the fact you’re actually retards for gobbling this shit up idk what to tell you

but you’re all probably self hating losers who just take it out on urself through some weird social justice shit

Or fat

gobble gobble gobble I’m a fat fucking turkey faggot who’s going to eat up this dangerous rhetoric


Saying you can’t be racist against white people is actually some disgusting dehumanizing statement and you should actually be ashamed of yourself for saying something like that in 2019


if by racist against white people you mean discrimination and prejudice, yes of course white people experience that. and that is certainly a definition of racism that exists.

that is not the concept the people like ewiz are talking about.

its like how british people and americans think two different things when hearing “biscuit”. that is just how language works. for social and historical reasons some groups of people think of a different concept when they hear the word “racism”. you and ewiz are talking about two different concepts but you insist that it is only one because you are both using the same word.

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Well those people should come up with a different word because it’s blatantly offensive to say “you can’t be racist towards white people” but I think that is by design


it isnt by design. this is super common in language. but this is a sensitive concept. there isnt anything weird happening here. it is really normal.

This wasn’t even a common thing before the communists started gaining traction online

I can see why everyone wants to kill communists

They ruin everything

This is just an attempt to normalize hatred towards white people

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The Russians are behind this, they are the original communists