I can’t fucking believe ewiz actually believes you can’t be racist towards white people

yeah if it wasnt for the communists we would still say “scones”

The libs like to talk about how the Russians are meddling with the right but I see more divisive behavior from left leaning people including extremism that I think the Russians more than likely have a hand in that than anything

Academia is the easiest institution to infiltrate you literally just need good grades and you’re in

This is top tier 3am posting I am just flowing with ideas

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if it wasnt for the communists we would say “flat” instead of apartment

Is this a joke

Commies don’t even have apartments they have fucking projects

no. bloody commies are wankers

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I think any reasonable person agrees with this

Even the statement that institutionalized racism against white people doesn’t exist (using the ewiz definition) is wrong because culture isn’t monolithic - inside or outside the us

This entire “you cant be racist against white people” thing just came about because people wanted to post things like “ugh white people” on twitter without having to face the fact that they’re generalizing across an entire race based on skin color and contributing to the divisive rhetoric

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luckily if you actually go out in the real world and spend time around real people (not internet people) you will quickly realize that not only does nobody believe any of this shit, but actually nobody even cares about any of this shit and you are wasting your time even thinking about it

Sadly I dont go outside but if I did I wouldn’t care about things like “the definition of racism” and “nadota posts”

Ain’t white
ain’t right

Bad thread made worse by asoul posting

jordan peterson warned about this. we’ve had this coming for quite some time ever since the post modern neo marxists uprooted the free thinkers responsible for the actual progress in the liberal arts and took their place to plant their nefarious seed that is already germinating in disenfranchised young adults. the core of the neo marxist ethos is the absolutely disgusting idea that it’s not competence hierarchies that guides us through the world but ill gotten power that necessarily relies on patriarchal modes of power distributions to self propagate the tyrannical machine.

Yeah you cant be racist against white people, because they will probably drone strike yoi

What did white people even do except -

using science to employ mass destruction

Deforesting half the planet

Programmed league of legends

nuked half the ocean

enslaved and contaminated an entire continent with disease

Can you believe there’s a country called “liberia” which was colonized by the whites where children eat plastic slippers and huff shelf expired drugs from europe through snail shells by the beach

Japs at least kill themselves and rape their own kids, whites do that to other people.

Turk is white IMO

Chinese people developed league of legends

White people just used the work as a vehicle to get high-powered jobs and harass women

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