I Have Transcended From Nazi To Simp

Regardless, it's purely recreational and self-imposed. It doesn't qualify as "Work" It's the same thing as picking up a pen and drawing on your computer or playing an instrument at your house. Most people i've known that refer to these as "Work" without making money from it have been insufferable

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Well, we will make money from it once it's finished. Just you wait.
Release date: 2023.

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The semantic distinction between "Work" and "Job" is what you're looking for. They're easily mixed up and in most cases interchangeable, but they have different intrinsic meanings.

I understand what you mean and don't intend to argue, though.

You've got as much chance of making money from making "indie desktop games" as signing up at your local soccer team and trying to make a career out of it

just go sign up at asyut united as a goalkeeper

Nooooooo your wrong your wrong

honestly just make user interfaces for your governemnt or something you don't have the tattoo so there's no way they can figure out you're jewish

I've told you before, my surname is as much of a giveaway as if I was called "Muhammad"

I just failed in the last 10 seconds of Shrek AGAIN

Fucking KILL me

The main reason for my interest in V Rising is hearing the news that our old DotA Inhouse friend group are likely starting their own server in the near future, led by Barnyyy (famous streamer) and NOGAMES (well known inhouse member).

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I have sat on those very chairs more times than I could ever count.

i need one of these for my new room.

I actually like the new better than the old. The high contrast text is easier to read, the glance-value is better - I know right away what card it is. The art is high contrast and the focal point of the art, the merwoman, stands out. The new is by far the best.

By glance value the first one is kind of green. Let's be honest, the artstyle in the old MTG cards is at times incoherent

I don't think this is an argument because unless you're playing for the first time or are just looking at cards outside of game, the card art becomes an abstract amalgam of colors in your mind no matter what.
It's the same argument with Dota cosmetics - nobody actually notices that Nightstalker has golden claws or that Void has a Blue Head after the first minute because at that point the heros of the game are burnt into your subconscious and are have become abstracted health bars moving around.

There is no such thing as glance value unless cards have incredibly similar art + color.

Speaking of card color, I see what you mean by saying it looks greenish but when you see actual green cards in the set - you'd realize you can't mix those up.

Basically our minds abstract these things during gameplay over so many levels that it doesn't really matter.
But looking at them outside of game is affected by these changes, and ugly cards make you like the game less.

In fact that picture makes a point on how cards being "more readable" is a bad thing, because it distracts from the colors and art of the card.

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I think the point that "art doesn't matter once you play enough that you no longer look at the art/character designs/animations" is a bad one in that at points where it does matter, all the things I pointed out make sense

Glance value is absolutely a real thing and dota animations are the perfect example - when they alter the animations the way they do in dota, it can subtly alter your instinctive reactions. Takes an extra .01s to process what is going on.

They also can unintentionally affect gameplay in other ways. Example: QOP ult used to have a slightly different shape/speed for the area of damage vs what the animation showed. I could catch people out with it because they thought they weren't in the range. Valve changed this and it changed my gameplay.

Of course in MTG you're not making split-second, reaction-based decisions but glance value still matters for cognitive load - contrasty cards are better because i'm not going Uhhhh.. what is that? Uhh. every turn.

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