I uncovered a money laundering political crime syndicate in my neighborhood

i don't think having a phd in something unrelated from medicine really makes you any more or less educated on cutting edge vaccine technology

phd programs are often hyper specialized! you dont really learn much general knowledge after undergrad


no, but it coorelates to the ability to practice scientific principles, assess data, and make rational decisions on that data.

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I mean i think this requires some amount of proof no?

maybe it correlates with thinking you know better than everyone else! and that can explain the difference in skepticism


I don't think we can have a meaningful conversation if I have to proffer proof for you that people who have PhDs, people who are conferred higher degrees upon the basis of new and novel research in some field, are better than lay people at assessing data than those without those degrees.

This isn't intelligent dude. People with PhDs, by and large, have to sift through data and defend it in the academic arena.

Like I'm supposed to trust the experts, but the experts are the PhDs who are hesitant, but maybe they're just thinking they're all smarter than each other!

This isn't a coherent position.

Actually experts overwhelmingly aren't hesitant. The graph you showed claims over 70% of them are not!

even if we are considering every phd haver an expert

But they're the most hesitant group!

the most hesitant group is still largely not hesitant!

isn't that a good sign?

No, it's not LMAO.

so if the most hesitant group was more hesitant then you'd trust the vaccine more?

i think "70% of the people with the highest degree of education are not hesitant about the vaccine" is honestly incredibly high for such a cutting edge technology

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Here's a question: if it wasn't 70% and it was 51%, would that change your decision. A coin flip.

also hesitancy is such a weird word here! that graph coulda been made a lot better.

does hesitancy mean "i am sketpical there are no side effects, but its like overall okay" or does hesitancy mean "i refuse to take it under any circumstance"

i would imagine somewhere in between.


Globally, vaccine hesitancy in unvaccinated people was higher among those with lower education and vaccine refusal was higher among those with higher education, especially in high-income countries.

I'd still have issues with the idea of using phds for this. If there were a similar graph showing MDs and 49% of mds were hesitant to take the vaccine then yes absolutely i'd be a lot more skeptical of it.

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