I uncovered a money laundering political crime syndicate in my neighborhood

phds aren't an 'expert class' in this context

MDs would be the expert class in this situation

not as much as i believe the wisdom of people who specifically study the thing being discussed!

Among 5,929 HCP (2,253 medical doctors [MDs] and doctors of osteopathy [DOs], 582 nurse practitioners [NPs], 158 physician assistants [PAs], and 2,936 nurses), a higher proportion of nurses (47.3%) were COVID-vaccine hesitant compared with 30.0% of PAs and NPs and 13.1% of MDs and DOs.

There's a major problem here: can you spot it?

okay so 13.1% is the value for the group whos information i trust.

13.1% being hesitant (btw key word. you keep using that word to mean 'they think it will kill you) i think is perfectly reasonable and does not discourage me from taking it.

Also I do think there is cause for hesitancy! I just think the potential gains outweigh the potential negatives in this case.

I was hesitant of the vaccine but ultimately took it because after talking to my drs i felt like the risks of me getting covid unvaccinated (even when it fails to prevent contagion it does great in reducing the symptoms) were far greater than the risks of me taking the vaccine

The real question here is what percentage of doctors would recommend vaccination to healthy men ages 18-30

i agree. a study on the % of doctors who recommend the vaccine is a lot more valuable than a study on hesitancy.

im also pushing 30 though so ty for making me feel old lol

April 13, 2022.

Only 67.4% strongly agreed that vaccines are safe, just 75% strongly agreed they are effective, and only 76% strongly agreed they're important, the researchers found.

While 68.7% were very confident in the safety of the Moderna vaccine and 72.7% were very confident in the safety of the Pfizer vaccine, only 32.1% were very confident in the safety of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.

the forward of the study sourced in this has different numbers, but i'd have to really read it to give my full thoughts on it and honestly I dont really care enough to.

The study forward uses these numbers.

I'd like to know what they mean by 'safe'

Also this was almost 2 years ago when the vaccines were a lot newer! I was definitely a lot more hesitant of them right after they came out.

No, this is 2020 when public health officials were saying that it was OK to protest George Floyd during the pandemic because racism is deadlier than COVID.

and FWIW. I know this isn't really an option sadly for a lot of people, but im big on the 'consult your dr before making medical decisions'

That's what I did at least. I think most medical decisions should be made with the consult of a dr. If your dr tells you to not take the vaccine i think that should be taken seriously.

I really dont see what this has to do with anything. IMO its pretty obvious people will be more skeptical of a cutting edge brand new technology vaccine right when it comes out compared to years later

also wait was it 2020 or 2022?

its 2022!

The COVID vaccine was rolled out in November of 2020 a week after Trump's election.

right but the paper was in early 2022

so 1 year after a brand new technology vs almost 4

but look if all you are saying is 'i think we dont really fully know the effects of this yet and there might be side effects we haven't predicted'

Then i largely agree with you.

I just think the tone and way you say things makes it come off more like 'the vaccine is gonna seriously harm all those who took it' which i disagree with and I imagine most of the people in the (already minority) 'hesitant' group would also disagree with. Once again, hesitancy is a trash word in this context