I uncovered a money laundering political crime syndicate in my neighborhood

Here, we show that more than three-fourths (75.2%) of the 23,000 respondents report vaccine acceptance, up from 71.5% one year earlier.

Hesitancy is defined as "unwilling to take"

sure but unwilling to take could mean

"I just am not afraid of covid"

and it could mean

"I think its going to kill me"

Dramatically different situations.

I imagine a lot of people who are unwilling to take the flu vaccine dont think its gonna kill them. they might just not like how it feels and think the gamble of getting the flu is worth it.

No it's literally just unwilling to take -- they hadn't taken a dose at the time of polling.

then the graph should say that 23% of phd candidates haven't taken the vaccine! another reason that graph is poorly constructed

makes me feel like its intentionally trying to be misleading

if 9/10 doctors have taken the vaccine than i'm probably fine with having taken it tbh

you really aren't thinking then

1/10 is still a big amount, i agree with that, but its small enough to not deter me from taking it.

are 9/10 doctors also not really thinking either?

doctors take a hippocratic oath and are required to take the vaccine to continue their employment lmao

no, they're the occupation most under the gun dude

why do you think they are required to take the vaccine?

because their employment requires it?

Isn't the hippocratic oath an oath to always try and provide beneficial treatments? if that compels them to take the vaccine isn't htat a good thing?

it's a devotion to the health of the patient no matter what -- that no matter what would be the willingness to expose oneself to harm

okay so then i should really trust my doctor who recommended i take the vaccine

you win.

Have you gotten your 2023 booster?

no :sweat_smile:

but i dont think peopel who do are dumb or anything