I uncovered a money laundering political crime syndicate in my neighborhood

It isnt. Sorry. That guy served 48 months

no criminal record, never went to jail, worked for parole, easiest target for a school. 29, no kids, no wife, masculine, brave, and strong.

Refpsi are you gay? Do you like men?


I think you are doing the right thing. I am trying too.

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KPI based gaming

@REFPSI are you of the gay?

never i openly speak out against homosexuality, it is caused by parasites.
never did anything gay.
closest i got to gay was being massaged by a man and cracked by a chiropractor.

So ur not gay?

(Just testing Refpsi mentally ATM)

not gay at all.
straightest man in the south bronx.

still pretty gay if its NY

says the guy who has fake men in his head constantly

your delusion is pretty gay

i was channeling the lil girl in my head the other night and she yelled at me very angrily saying thank you and said my name... my hallucinations have been getting worse. i keep seeing the monsters surrounding me... i am determined to keep going. i have to win...

Genuinely nobody here cares about anything you have to say. We all just treat you like our pet crazy retard who posts crazy things.
We are all adults and you're a 6 year old playing super hero.

and when i win what will ya say?

"Good boy!"

im so black pilleed bros.

No. You're just black.

no im hispanic, least i am very well endowed was looking at my meat trying to be grateful and shit.

which tribe are you