I uncovered a money laundering political crime syndicate in my neighborhood


how did the democrats cause that

last i checked all the muddling the government and corporatism does in housing is a bipartisan issue but i could b wrong

didnt a republican president send out the checks that caused the hyperinflation that caused the receission

In LA there’s a ton of restrictions and regulations surrounding development meaning the only profitable thing to build are luxury 4200 a month high rise apartments.

I think unlimited/unrestricted QE caused it more than the $700 checks but yes, although I would say that was an absolute necessity to do since we decided to do a nationwide lockdown and shutdown of the economy to “stop the spread” which Biden continued and democrats supported for many months after.

So the real thing was democrats pushing for an indefinite lockdown and ruining the economy for like an entire year and trying to pretend like you can temporarily pause an economy without huge ramifications

Democrats in CA are unironically insane. Same with the portland area lol. Yns is wrong about a lot of stuff imo but the far left in control of those areas literally do not live on this planet

Republicans controlled the presidency, the senate, and the house when covid started

maga 20 24 trump gang trump gang

Yes. That's the state tax rate. I know there are other taxes on top of it. But that's what the aforementioned NY commies are taking.

Nah they're pretty normal for the most part. Can't speak for Portland but CA Dems are pretty milquetoast.

The problem with California is that you pay high taxes and it never feels like it does anything. Living in Japan made me realize that. I pay even higher taxes here in Japan by a little but it doesn't bother me at all because I experience the immediate benefits of it every day. I never have to own or maintain a car thanks to them. I have public quality health insurance because of them. Public places are maintained well and efficiently time-wise. If Californians had daily lives like this people would definitely complain less about taxes

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You do realize that you could pay no taxes in Japan whatsoever -- they could cut government spending to nil -- and you'd still have all of that because the private sector would fill the need. It has nothing to do with whether your "tax dollars" are spent well -- it has to do with the Japanese being actual functional human beings capable of productive work.

It doesn't do anything? California is filled with subhuman third-world trash that will never be net-economically positive for the state -- do you think these things just exist without governmental intervention?

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who is bug

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That's me sorry

oh you rascal

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California homeless services budget per homeless person is higher than the cost of hiring the same number of people at google and paying them a median google salary

I just made that up but I heard something similar in a youtube video

I think Andrew Callahan where he was talking about fent issue and the massive homeless encampments around the country