I uncovered a money laundering political crime syndicate in my neighborhood

8.875 on the sales tax too

yes sir im paying a corurpt gov, they hate me because im unvaxxed,

my sperm worth more than their bank account.

Oh yea you got that 3.8% tax rate on top of the state taxes and federal taxes just for living in NYC

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So yea damn near 30%

When i pull it off, what neighborhood will they run to next, where will they go, I have them cornered, and they know it. they have let down everyone they sought to partner with, I have the destiny bomb of the century. I am nobody but its okay, in housing court I will pull it off. my bosses betray me, i could of did it from the comfort of my apt, but they let me down. My own bosses betray me.

I can do it, nobody will stop me.Voir dire is next, what questions will i provide, they have to seek my filling. and the more bizarre my peers the more bizarre the outcome.

Damn imagine making 100k a year in nyc take home 70k a year, 5833 a month good luck

Enjoy that 3500 a month 600 sqft shack

New Hampshire is where it’s at

lmfao i made 42500 24/7 on the clock, and they threw me away with no regard to anything. I was the best. I never charged my management overtime.

Last time I had a salary job in LA I made 74k a year, my take home pay after taxes off each check was just about 4k even, maybe like 4200. I would get a tax refund but it was still ass

That’s a 35% tax rate

I loved my bosses. something they cannot say the same for me. I didnt work for money, because i had everything. my apt. my gym, my parking spot. all will be returned to me in time. I seen 80k in crypto, i seen 31k in a roth ira, i seen 10 bands in a meat business, i had all the tools to fix anything, i had a whole parking lot to fix cars. I was him.

And a house costs a million minimum good luck ever owning anything in these cities. Aren’t democrats great.


I am currently in the voir dires aspect in court, I have full right to picking the proper jury as we all have right to be judged by our peers.

theme for the vior dire process.

just be true to you guys and all who have come before. this world is backwards, and we don't have to fear death, the battles we gotta face might feel worse than that thing. but nonetheless we gonna rise, the time for the wrong thing is the wrong time now, good wins, don't give up, and be true to yourselves, we all different, but we all accepted, i am so exhausted, but in the end of the hardest battles we finna pull a destiny bomb they didn't even think was possible. i truly belive in each and everyone one of ya. I might be down, but we all been down, lets win for once in the universal humanity life. Look at us, we just chat online and get along, so with that same energy lets take down all those guys who didn't want us to meet, We came a long way to just be even able to reach each other, those are our ancestors, and I know for sure I met all ya before, because my grandpa's grandma grandpa's might of known ya, lets win, its over, this time for humanity, its not that far fetched as weird as the dream seems, my friends are dead, and they all in comparison of the matrix world betray me but fuck it, i got the ones i don't know to well, so what the fuck, the ones i seen die got me back, and the same ones to you, this year 2024 humanity wins. fuck all the extra shit, we made it, we won, and we are all full of love. Humanity gonna win this time, be prepared to remove all your hatred, it is much needed, and forgiveness the highest principle. We got this. I seen too much, with such a hard life, and we all feel that same way to let evil win. been drinking crazy but soon you'll watch it happen. The people win this time.
Rather die than submit to this worldley evil.

Message #memes-bullshit
