I uncovered a money laundering political crime syndicate in my neighborhood

At some level you should realize -- "laws", "regulations" are for white people -- we don't expect subhuman browns like yourself to adhere to them -- so when you're doing your little monkey dance in the courtroom (based entirely off watching TV shows), we're just placating you.

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JIDF shill.

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Keep the white women on the jury because they'll feel sorry for you but the white men will realize that you're a complete drain on society and if we'd just genocide you we'd have flying cars, free healthcare, and free energy. You have to scratch the white guys off if you want any chance of winning.

Refpsi says these things -- jury trial, documents, lawyers, judges -- but he has no idea what they actually entail or what they serve. His entire conception of the legal system are the plot points out of a legal TV movie.

I'm Gay.


You should go to the library and check out some legal case law so you can cite random cases off the top of your head. You probably should go for something a bit deeper than Roe v Wade and Plessy v Ferguson, stuff like Griggs v Duke Power Co, Loving v Virginia.


Title VIII and IX of the Civil Rights Act are the Fair Housing Act.

This is probably what you want. If you namedrop this shit they might not laugh you out of court.

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You didn't lose your apartment or whatever because you uncovered a master evil plot -- you lost it because you were a ■■■■■■. That's a winning strategy.

gimmie a tenth of your payroll to post here and maybe i'll consider using your advice to promote racial politics, actually nvm i'mma just run off on you like the plug, ole jidf money grabbing politic promoting shill.

JIDF? I have multiple ancestors that died in the civil war. You likely got here in like 1970 LMAO

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You should definitely be disqualifying people based off race, income would be another one. You almost certainly want the darkest and poorest jury in the history of US trials


Good luck and Godspeed I hope you get what you want


My family's NA join date is pre-1776 that's why my name isn't anglicized.

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Lesser Hubers had to hide their german names and change to Hoover.

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I know a John Fil who was born to immigrants named Filiponovich.
And a Tom Wal who was a Walaczinski.

Immigration just wrote down the first three letters, and that was your last name.

that's a me'a