I uncovered a money laundering political crime syndicate in my neighborhood

hold on
i need you to be real for a minute
you're telling me that you have heart issues? or are you really making a joke about covid heart issues rn

Fuck no

Gfs cousin got heart issues from the vaccine, is exempt from all mandatory vaccines now. Had to get the Covid shot to continue going to school and ended up on heart medications and being told to not drink any coffee at like 26 years old

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I have a real Covid card and a QR code but I am not vaccinated at all. Refused to get that bullshit


...i mean that's not what i asked

but also, getting heart issues from supposed vax doesn't really address getting heart issues from covid itself.. which is like obviously a major concern about the virus

Well his issues were directly related to the vaccine not COVID or anything else which is why he has a medical exemption from future boosters etc. which they don’t really grant medical exemptions for Covid shots

they are trying to force me to do crime.


how did they rule it was the vaccine?

you're basically saying it had nothing to do with the covid vaccine and had to do with vaccines and the risks inherent in them which are VERY small for approved vaccines, yet still exist?

that still was not at all what i was asking which was very specifically if he had experienced heart issues or felt that he had

This sounding a lot like one of your stories in your book.
Is this real, is this a larp, or is this paranoia?

real. these guys got connections in the department of buildings.

send me his book


Please do not pay for this. You would be directly funding his schizophrenia.


he got myocarditis almost immediately after getting either the vaccine or the booster, which is a possible side effect of the vaccine. For how exactly they confirmed it was vaccine related I'm not 100% sure but someone coming down with myocarditis after taking the booster/vax and not having covid prior seems pretty obviously related to the vaccine. Like I said, it was a requirement that he be boosted/vaxxed to attend medical school and after getting myocarditis he was granted exemption from any future covid boosters or whatever else.

Can you clarify your question if you want an answer? Did he experience heart issues prior to the booster? No I don't believe so. Did he experience heart issues after the booster? Yes I believe thats why he went to the doctor in the first place and found out he had myocarditis.

If you want the continuation of the story I think he is fine now, he had to take some type of heart medication for awhile and was told to avoid coffee/caffeinated drinks but I believe his heart is healed now and he can drink shit like that. Not really sure I should ask him if hes still experiencing any vaccine related injuries nowadays. This was about a year and a half ago.

If you're trying to frame this as some schizophrenic blaming heart issues he already had on the vax its not the reality, the guy is in medical school and did not believe the vaccine was a poison, like I do, guy used to roll his eyes when I said I'm never taking the vaccine. He legit caught myocarditis from the covid vax and was given NO REFUNDS

i meant that i was asking assoul and not you/your gfs cousin

oy vey dont take the vaxx good goy

the point i was trying to make about myocardium is that it's a known risk of covid, period... taking the vaccine is in essence exposing yourself to covid....

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