I uncovered a money laundering political crime syndicate in my neighborhood

i dont see your name on these documents anywhere

Me neither.

@REFPSI You will have a hard time in court without your name on a lot of these documents.

you guys are cracked in the head for feeding into this

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well part of me is holding out that maybe theres something here but it just looks like some live in manager that got evicted with a change of ownership

my name is on the first paper, the deed is a corp, it specifically mentions the heirs and successors have rights too.

I always root for the underdog.
If I ever went to a bullfight, I would root for the bull.

pray for me imma do it. imma win.


I don't see your name, and where are you named as a heir or successor?

my name is on the tenant occupancy first image

emilio taveras

Refpsi is gunna argue with a store clerk over the store not accepting duckfeet as currency, the currency we all used before Green Day invented the US dollar with the release of American Idiot.

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Whats the difference between a tenant and a heir/successor?

emilio for king of mott haven

sincee i am listed as owner, i am going to state i served an indentured servantude to the founder, having worked during the pandemic 7 and a half years, with my relgious exemption eeven mentioning i wanted to work and live here for the rest of my life, they mortgaged out my salary and i watched my friend who worked for 17 years pass away, i am the heir to the party of the deed due to my unpaid labor, massive property value improvements, and being 24/7 for multiple commercial properties with no overtime pay, they shouldnt have mortgaged mee out twice, i doubled property profits as well.

what they did to me is the definiton of peonage, i feel like a slave....

you are listed as a tenant, not an owner. For the other part you should talk to an employment lawyer about unpaid wages and sue them for some labor law related violations. They will likely settle with you out of court for a relatively large payment that can help you get back on your feet. As far as you living there, just because they ran afoul of labor laws, which we are assuming they did for the sake of conversation, does not mean you are entitled to ownership over any property that they own.

Isn't this a standard thing for property managers? you get free rent, which in NYC I'm assuming is the equivalent of like $3000 a month, and in return you work for them.