i am not listed as a tenant though i am listed as owner
You fall under the "Employee" category, not the Owner Occupied category.
check the other one, 2020 i was owner.
i am just a slave who doesnt wanna leave the masters house.
I do not see your name anywhere on the other 2 documents that you posted.
it never list namees its just the rental record, and since i am the only one living here it has to be referring to me.
the deed sells the building to themselves to have nad to hold, there is nothing in estate/corp law that doesnt say multiple people can be a mmber of it, since i actually hold the premises they had no plan on using it outside of for my job, and i never surrendered my job.
There is nothing in estate/corp law that someone living in an apartment that is owned and actively maintained by a company has any right of ownership to it. If you can't even convince me that you own this apartment how do you plan on convincing a court?
with faith.
Maybe theres some weird squatters rights shit you could do, but that tends to be for unmaintained properties, you being employed by the company by itself is proof they were maintaining the property as they had you working maintenance on it.
We are in the mortal world dealing with human courts and systems, faith in the divine is not an argument to take ownership over a property where you do not and never held the deed to the actual property.
i continue to do what i can, the unpaid labor can settle the mortgage, why was i slaved out, worked during a pandemic submitted my religious exemption too good to be fired til corruption took over the company, they claim just thee owner lives in the apt after 2020, then suddenly im just employee...
i am going to win, because i live here, and the new super was supposed to be in 3 but i think he gave it to his family plus they seem to be selling each individual unit somehow... they are doing something corrupt and that lawyer on the deed lost his legal license too.
What is winning to you? Do you think you will be given this property and its ownership rights without putting a dime down? Did you ever pay rent while living there or you lived for free because you worked there?
i paid in blood sweat and tears, all my memories, my whole life... now with the criminal record they are putting on me i'll likely never be able to find a job, it was a complete assassination of my future, career and life... idk if anyone could feel how i feel when you get arrested several times and dragged out your house by police while in housing court, without a warrant. i am just happy every day i live here... i am mentally destroyed by the betrayal.
worked during a whole pandemic.... i was supposed to be a hero....
So the answer is no, you never paid any money to live there.
Yeah they came and brought the police because you wouldn't leave the apartment after they evicted you. Bro you need to be making other plans this is going to end very poorly for you, and it sounds like its been going pretty bad for you. No court is going to recognize your claim to ownership because you have no real claim to it.
they didnt evict me they conducted an illegal eviction
Sounds like the new owners fired you from your maintenance job, asked you to leave, and you refused. What is illegal about evicting you?