I uncovered a money laundering political crime syndicate in my neighborhood

even saying that is wrong though. the vaccine exposes you to COVID in a small amount… COVID is what causes myocarditis. actually getting sick to the point you could die from a vaccine??

  1. its unbelievably rare and almost exclusively happened to pregnant women on a certain form of birth control

  2. anyone getting myocarditis from the small amount of COVID theywere exposed to would be all the more likely to have just gotten it the first time they caught COVID

you guys are using his death to talk about your antivac shit that Osiris himself didnt believe in

its incredibly disrespectful

like why are you idiots saying this the same idiots that think COVID is not harmful??

you see potential side effects caused by exposure to a small amount of the virus… yet also play down the actual virus itself

it makes. no. sense.

Yes he did I know you don’t want to accept the vaccine causes myocarditis but it actually does and trying to play mental gymnastics saying the vaccine is actually just lesser Covid therefore Covid actually gave him myocarditis not the vaccine is just hilarious

Nobody brought up Osiris until you did buddy

i’m not saying it doesn’t, we know that can happen

but the REASON it can is because of the inherent danger present in COVID… which yall deny

if that’s what he believed, then okay

also the ‘clot shot’ meme literally happened because of adverse reactions to specific types of birth control.

and they caught it and stopped giving it to women taking said bc within literally 1-2 weeks, and it stopped happening.

Myocarditis is different than blood clots dude

This is pseudoscience and just some random belief you have through some mental gymnastics you have in your head to continue your narrative that COVID vaccines are so great and wonderful

i realize that

?? uh no…

you’re much more likely to get myocarditis from actual COVID than a vaccine

you think I just make up random shit?? what I’m saying is because I learned it during the pandemic

so all the doctors and medical people saying this are performing mental gymnastics? cuz i didnt just randomly come up with the idea myself

you’re dumb dude

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i mentioned blood clots 1. because theyre the only other legit health concern linked to the vax

2, i thought he had a pulmonary embolism?? thats a blood clot

This supposed assumption based on like one study has nothing to do with vaccines giving you a “small COVID” or whatever dumb shit you typed and does not mean that someone who got myocarditis from the vaccine would get it from Covid

What the fuck are you talking about dude lmao read my posts again

Literally none of this is about Osiris bro you are making shit up in your head