I uncovered a money laundering political crime syndicate in my neighborhood

people are speculating about the cause of his death and it being related to the vax, literally like on the first day he died in the thread. that's what I'm responding to

"ThIs SuPpOsEd AsSumPtiOn BaSed On OnE StUdy"

very cute way of writing off medical evidence

this is what I took issue with because you're ignoring the fact that the type of vaccine he would have had (literally the two most common ones in NA) both used parts of the COVID 19 virus. stop fucking gaslighting me.

youre in the wrong thread buddy we're talking about my gf's cousin who got myocarditis from the covid vaccine

hello idiot, please view the screenshot from mayoclinic i posted above

yeah ones that are IN DEVELOPMENT NOW

aka. ones he did not take

what the fuck are you babbling about

notice how this is referring to the actual vaccines we took during the pandemic? and the thing you linked is about "current vaccines in development" ?

The CDC provides an overview of the COVID vaccines available and the basis of each of the vaccines. The Moderna and Pfizer vaccines utilize mRNA technology. Novavax utilizes a protein subunit, and Johnson & Johnson Janssen's vaccine is a viral vector vaccine. None of the currently available vaccines utilize a weakened virus as the base for the vaccine.

mRNA technology LITERALLY MEANS utilizing "material from the COVID-19 virus" and placing it in a different viral vector. that's what it means.

not all vaccines have mRNA, but the ones we took during the pandemic did.

Since none of the COVID-19 vaccines authorized or approved in the United States contain any live virus, they cannot make you sick with COVID-19.

again I didn't say it was literally JUST a weaker version of COVID, I said it used part of the COVID virus, which it does. that was my poor way of referring to the above

and yet they can give you literally all the same side effects and diseases that COVID does.

including myocarditis. which was my point.

it doesn't use any form of live virus, any vaccine side effects are not being caused by some bodily reaction to a minor covid strain that is put in the virus. these vaccines are not the same as the ones you were taught about in school, they work differently.

from the link

Vaccines create antibodies that allow your body to protect itself from future infections without actually getting sick.

Previously developed vaccines contain very small amounts of viruses or bacteria that are dead or greatly weakened. They trick the immune system into believing that the body has been infected.

The COVID-19 vaccines also create antibodies, but with a different set of tricks than traditional vaccines to create coronavirus immunity.

i find it hard to believe there's literally no connection and no chance of side effects related to your bodies REACTION to COVID (not being overwhelmed with the actual COVID virus, your immune response to detecting even a microspopic amount)

that was my understanding of why side effects occour

like your own immune system can absolutely give you myocarditis if it freaks out

well your understanding was wrong lol, a simple 5 mins on google using the same sources you use to disprove vaccine skeptic people would tell you that you're actually misinformed

more from the link i posted

mRNA teaches these cells to create "spike proteins." These proteins simulate part of the SARS-CoV-2 (which causes COVID-19) cell structure and trick the body into believing it is infected with the virus.

In the case of the mRNA vaccines, your body is never exposed to the germ but is still able to produce an effective immune response.