I'm about to do LSD thread - ROLLING on random.org to see how many hits I will do (2-6 hits), then will be LIVE BLOGGING my experience in this thread. Ask me questions, link me videos, do whatever you want to see how I react.

I don't know how anyone can take acid and post on a forum lol. I can barely hold a regular conversation when I trip Lmao. Like go outside during daytime and walk around and in nature, look up at the sky, shit is beautiful.

I miss acid, I don't miss acid.

I didn't really outside like 10 minutes, I had to close my laptop and just sit there

peAK NAMAFIA thread right here. becareful jdance lsd only caused a god complex

if you like this then just do 4aco instead tbh

shroomy afterglows > lysergic afterglows

at least personally idk

I only tripped really really hard on lsd once but it was a fun/beautiful experience

I've never gone to seizure levels, not really interested atm


Two linebreaks after every line

Just like my reddits

that was the most boring acid trip ever. I don't even know what you were trying to do.

Did you go thru the dark web? I just wikid 4aco and it says it is technically legal in the USA so I guess that means you can purchase it?

Nvm https://lysergi.com/index.php/

Based on some web searching the site seems legit

Lol what the fuck, gonna take me forever to see what this garbage is

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They're closing soon better buy fast

U guys are losers

Doing weirdo designer drugs you bought off the internet doesn’t make u woke

Na I'm good. Been there done that.
