INF sign Mason for dpc season

i was 5k in like 2014 and thankfully ive been gifted the knowledge that i was really fucking garbage and insanely uninformed. that said dota players have improved a lot, the ideas we have now are significantly more complex compared to 2014 but the games also different.

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Like no masterbation b4 matches


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You canā€™t play dota with hairy palms thus masturbation is a big no no

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dota players aint really improved, the game got easier and punished individual skill more, the mmr system rewards even a 50.001% win rate as long as you have enough games played. heroes got more retarded, meme back is real, there are no tactical deaths for objectives, because as long as shrine is up jungle is ungankable if you cant fight them.

No dota player wants to admit that the game became bad, as long as valve keeps them good at it, they are blind to how much worse dota has and is becoming. also ignore the fact that dota plus has split the matchmaking, into people who care enough to spend money and those who dont/dont want to, which is very big. One who is economically invested, tries harder.

So you just oointed it out. The one who invests tries harder. He who tries harder goes further.

yes, but if i wanted to play a free game with people trying hard, dota is no longer my game.

thus valve successfully tricked every dota player into paying to play and that is the point im trying to make.

welp you got me there.

6k in 2012 and 6k now, damn I fell off

and this is what iā€™ve been trying to fight but nobody listens to me.

ranked wasnt released in 2012.
and yes technically 7k now was 5k back then, mmr inflation is real because the system rewards any win rate above 50% over thousands of games, so while a player may not have gotten better, he may be higher mmr as long as he has the time to play. so 6k in 201X is always 6k +Y in 201X+(b)

Skill defintively hasnā€™t gone down though, I feel like Iā€™ve improved a ton since 2012 but Iā€™m still at the same mmr, people are insanely much better now than before

its deception based on the fact that your individual skill doesnt matter as much as it did in 2012, with so many more changes, the game is won with how well you play with your team to run at people for no objective reason other than to kill them and then have them unable to fight you, vs when it used to be won by how well you play the map and your hero vs enemy heroes.

Even if you are skillfully better, it is less rewarding than before.

Before if an individual player was so strong and playing so well. , you wouldnt be able to fight his team, now since heroes are so ridiculously strong its a numbers game, and not a strategy game.

Thatā€™s arguably true, but mostly because the skill discrepancy between players was much bigger before.

I can agree with this in part. Players got better because theyā€™ve became more generic, with power creeping and item changes there shined an even clearer meta, as the focus of the game drifted away from individual skill people got better at doing the same things over and over because it was reliable when you knew that your team mates would do the same thing. There is no individual route to winning a game, it will always come off the back of your pick and team work. So the individual doesnt have to be good anymore, he just has to play the team. This is why if anyone picks a hero that doesnt fit, its going to be loss. Drafts are more reserved, even play is more reserved. You dont see a farmed hero do anything on his own anymore, outside of those pick off ultis/combos.

These players are not good because they are more skilled, they are good because they can copy and this copying strat continuously echos down till you find that the 3ks, 4ks, 5ks, 6ks are all playing effectively the same but are different in success of execution The game got progressively more stale as heroes and strats become increasingly powerful, a patch can shake it up for a few months but it never truly changes things.

Shrines destroyed map play, as now a tower does not ensure access to the enemy jungle safely. A jungling hero now know he isnā€™t one step away from being picked off but may be one step away from a team fight. There is no tactical hero strength distribution, just numbers. The reward of picking one player off can often never be worth the risk, so you wait till you have numbers 9/10 times. Heroes got so ridiculous and items gotten stupid that we have an item that literally disables you from getting picked off (aeon disk), and this item alone can destroy a teams chance of winning the game period.

Buy back time increased so that a well playing player who makes a single mistake over the course of thousands of mistakes the enemies made earlier can lose the game should he die after bbing. The individual doesnt matter as much as he used to at all, and thats my beef with current dota, that was my beef with other mobas too. You cant even refresh your bkb anymore despite you having been ahead significantly enough to do it.

There are more and more games lost AT DRAFT than ever before, and that is not a knowledge or skill issue, that is skill not being rewarded because heroes are too powerful. There are just too many changes that make it more about who you pick than how you play, this is also noted by the drastic decrease in ā€œhero specialistā€ in higher brackets, that player can no longer win games by himself, so there are a lot more games he just cannot win with his hero.

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dota still a good game. But ur highlighting something else for yourself again. Ur mad that you as an individual cant be good at a Team game. Go play a single player game then? Or start a team and compete and you just might be happier imo

Yeah thats why i had to quit. I accept that its a team game now, and thats not what i liked dota for. I liked it because my skill mattered in a team game, which i thought was amazing.
Its very hard to find a game where the individual can shine among his team, and lead his allies off his own back to victory against all odds. But people turn to me with disgust and laughter when i try to explain to them why i liked dota when it rewarded the player more.

Most my losses are on support, because i tried to play the team game and i failed.

i definitely remember those times but those were like 5+ years ago

yeah i got locked in the past, i expected after taking 2 years to get my life together and save my family, i would return to the dota i loved, i was wrong, and i suffered a lot the past 2 yrs because of it.

Iā€™m not going to pretend like I understand the game at a deep level anymore, but I lost interest in it pretty fast due to the balance changes and every game appearing to play out more or less the same way every time regardless of what heroes are picked.

I feel like I saw way more intricate and nuanced strategies and lane setups back in 2014.

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