The times in life where I experience "peak nostalgia", it is usually triggered from a certain song or melody from the past. Most recently, it was skipping through the Little Big Planet soundtrack which brought across memories of my thoughts at the time and alluded to life around this context of me sitting in front of the television.
So I got to thinking: what about when music was not encapsulated in any way? When a live orchestration or performance was the only way to enjoy such? Other moments for me that have triggered intense bouts of nostalgia are the Minecraft soundtrack and old Zelda soundtracks; perhaps you can relate to these or others.
So if we go back to the 1800's where music was not able to be repeated, then a chuck of nostalgia cataclysms would not exist in the zeitgeist.
So what about other forms of nostalgia? It's old movies, it's pictures of old fashion styles. Well these wouldn't have existed either. Besides vague memories of home and childhood, it seems that nostalgia is constrained to our modern generation, a manmade creation of sorts.
So with that in mind, is our capture and encapsulation of past cultures in time a dangerous trend for humanity going forward? In the future our entire lifetime will have the ability to be revisited through internal recording devices implanted (not dystopian but consumeristic, consensual), and the people may be plagued with their relentless reach backwards toward the past.
Just a few thoughts. Anyone else?