Jdance Academic Buttering Blog Thread (Dont click if you dont like the pursuit of education)

This guy sounds incredibly annoying

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I don't understand this poem.

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@ your state-wide ranking?

It's amazing the difference in happiness between these two is so easily evident by the prose of one and the portrait of another.

On my GED practice test, on the poetry part, i got a 2/13. I may have aspergers. My brain is entirely unable to parse that bullshit.

If it's a legitimate disability then that's fine.

Poetry has no meaning. Its like the bible. You see only your eyes in its reflection, your desires, your insecurities

I read that poem and dont understand a god damn thing

if you guys were really smart you wouldn't be reading books you'd be reading blogs lol.

It is poetry and literature that gave you this opinion that you have plaguarised and maintain now as your own.

You have probably never read the bible.

You are arguing with the root of your own points.

Like he built a cabin and he will just live there forever?

Thats not self actualization. Thats imprisonment

Why mutable (aliorelative)?

From infancy to maturity he had resembled his maternal procreatrix. From maturity to senility he would increasingly resemble his paternal creator.

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Holy shit this guy has an S tier set of chompers


Yeah I browse the unz review. What of it?

They're veneers which he bought from people like JDance buying ten copies of his snake-oil.

I agree with your assertion that 99.5% of self help books are garbage