Jdance is a fatass

Day 5: 259.9lb

how the fuck do you weigh 260 lbs. how tall are you?


why are communist so overweight?

6 foot 3

alright makes some sense now good

make more progress and start lifting weights

He’s not 6’3 he’s lying because he’s embarrassed

He’s like 5’11 or 6’

The eternal Manlet Jdance

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Day 6: 257.9lb

stop fasting

you’ve lost like 6lbs of water weight

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That's right


do you feel euphoric

No I feel annoyed

Euphoria comes like hour 50

I never felt euphoric just like occasionally not shitty. idk how people get that

Maybe euphoria is the wrong explanation. It's just like little very friction to focus on something which results in feeling good

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I just remember working out a lot and feeling like absolute garbage. Feels like my mind has been cleaner without it as well (when my diets not shit)

it's diff for everyone. some people seem to get an endorphin rush from working out

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I know that much but everyone suffers more from working out on keto. it puts more your stress on your body and the burning of fat over other calorie sources doesn't feel as good or give you as good of returns