Stop fucking with that linear shit get on the sudden abrupt ending to your perception of time train
Come to think of it I would literally rather believe in God
Knowing where we came from is a fucking buzzkill
U don’t perceive it that way I know cuz I made those rules
What ur describing onlu seems interesting to you because it’s different from what your used to but it’s actually really boring and lacks the ability to create meaningful context
U gettin on those opioids friend?
What is the most interesting religion
U think I’d post here while on opiates what a waste that’d be
I’m a Mormon now
If I wasn’t fucking on opiates I didn’t really care what I was doing anything felt great
Straight up though I think I choose religion over science
Ian where did the big bang come from
Ur not wrong
That one wasn’t me and I’m not even sure if it’s right
C’mon guys we’ve solved a lot of problems let’s solve this one too
What if the big bang happened in an environment where math didnt make sense therefore it cannot be solved for .
R u wondering where life came from or where matter came from…one’s pretty easy to answer…don’t rly care about the other one
What if the big bang can only be solved by those who can not pass algebra 1
The problem is it involves going backwards in time to see what the first thing on the time line of existence was not recognizing thst first the concept of time and moving along it had to exist
God is totally fucking with all of us