Jdance ♿

Idk how to explain it exactly if u haven’t seen it… I am in a very peculiar situation and I went into it and intend to come out of it with the best intentions I am capable of expressing isn’t that what ur self help stuff says to do

Do you think I get fucked up all the time because it’s what I want to be doing Matthew? Do you, seriously, believe that? I do it because the payoff could be best of the best life

Jesus fucking Christ don’t talk to me until you’re through this

Pretty sure u got shut down already when I told u getting myself into the thing was planned from day one…I have this and you should know me better than to think I don’t

I’m still reasonably drunk. Like I care.

I actually wanna talk to u before then I’m putting it at 2wks-8months are u sure

Is he signing up for gay porn? The fuck is the deal here.


I’m going to sleep now.

Deadlifted 255 10x5 today

Really excited for mcgregor vs Khabib

You’re so strong :blush:

i could probably fuck up yns

A case of the cold could fuck up yns

It is what it is

Wearing socks today

Matching socks

Mine will not be matching I already know that much. (I need to do laundry)

You never elaborated on your friend’s situation

I really don’t want to

Oh shit officer. Was I going one-hundred and eighty miles per hour?

Bullshit post spotted also shut up