Jdance ♿

I deliver pizza and pretend that I will do something with my life and have no personality I am not a person

Nor am I. are we not one together?

If I eat this fat boy will* you enjoy it’s creaminess?

Reality is I’m 24, past my intellectual max, doesn’t matter how fit I am I’m too socially retarded for women. It’s pointless

Alright hold up that phrasing was unfortunate

No we are not

I’m a tiger

If I was a tiger at least I would have a fucking purpose

Where’s div? I want div here.

Am I acting right now?

Is this real or fake?

kill yourself.

The Tigers purpose can be found in yourself too. You just have to embrace the body a bit more and, well honestly that might turn out poorly idk what kind of urges you have

kill yourself.

Embrace the tiger dude

Jones thinking he is capable of bothering me is bothering me congrats

Now what?

Do you have fat boys wherever you are? You have Walmart you probably have fat boys

I don’t think he thinks about it except maybe the iq part.

Is this just an attention thing? Why do I need that