Jdance ♿

Well I think if this truly is the case then expending energy to turn towards something positive is the best play you can make. Cbt has a real benefit, in my opinion. I wish I did not confront such things as late as I did. But there are/were a lot of factors at play, for me.

The heart of what you are saying is not that unfamiliar for me dude.

I wish I was more fucking stupid so I could have a personality

you are no longer allowed to post about being “high IQ”

Or maybe the masses simply are more secure in following a pattern, or guided by something to assure some kind of societal security.

So fringe iqers have to end up contributing or be lost. It’s all about being born into power as high iq.

This is false and is deflective.

Do you know how much it pisses me off that I can’t get pissed off?

This isn’t normal - what I’m doing right now - this type of humor - if I was doing this in public - they would be laughing

What the fuck is wrong with me?

Am I playing a character or is this really me?

Ur just having a quick mental break because he scored higher than you. It’s chill.

It’s his loss. If he was 30 is lower he would be a functioning member of society

He told me.not to engage with him. Stop.forcing my hand

This isn’t. A mental break. I’m just talking.

Sure blame the woman how typical

Why would you say that when I’m having a mental break?

Why are you trying to make everything about you?

Because I don’t empathize with you you might as well not even be a person

Does that mean I’m you?

It means that I am not someone