Jester Nightless [GAME]

@Matticus i gift you the vest. You just said they have to be someone and you’re in the thread too pal. Enjoy!

current theory is nyte + kkat mafia, jester is either luckyartist or big_ass

If LA is jester what does that make asoul. Just a weirdo?

Err I mean @big_ass

people need to stop using these dumb new names just keep the same name as you've always had

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Can I have the vest? I don't want to die again this game


@SOPHIE encourages people using fake names and false identities.

@SOPHIE As the admin, if I die this game I will significantly reduce my forum contribution


not trying to threaten you just letting you know

@Matticus i immediately give my best to scsf

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who is pastel

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Find out in the next episode of Namafia Island.

Not sure. Maybe ewiz?

It's not electrowizard.

You could speculate something similar on the basis that this player seems to know LA well

Could it be Benny?

OK I accept



Look, if you had one shot or one opportunity
To seize everything you ever wanted in one moment
Would you capture it or just let it slip?

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