juul thread

Completely disagree. The physiological effects of cutting out vaping (nicotine freebases or salt) and cigarettes are like night and day. I yo-yo back and forth between using off an on, but if I kept on cigarettes, there wouldn’t be any time off. That shit sucks

Every time I’ve gone from cig to vape theres a day where I’m obviously withdrawing from all the added shits in that garbage

Cigarette smoke contains over 5,000 compounds, but in popular discourse nicotine gets all the attention as the ‘thing that makes cigarettes addictive’. The widespread belief that nicotine alone causes cigarettes to be addictive is due to an influential 640 page report entitled “The Health Consequences of Smoking: Nicotine Addiction” that was released in 1988 by the U.S. Surgeon General. The report leads with the summary statement that “Nicotine is the drug in tobacco that causes addiction”, and goes on to suggest that nicotine is similar in its level of addictiveness to heroin. Today this report is viewed as flawed, because it drew on studies of tobacco use to establish the addictiveness of nicotine, rather than studies on nicotine in isolation. In the intervening years, marketing hype around nicotine replacement products for smoking cessation has kept the focus on nicotine as ‘the solution’ to getting cigarette users to stop smoking. More recently, people have promoted E-cigs as a path to smoking secession, an idea which remains very controversial, [ref, ref] but is promising from a harm reduction perspective.[ref, ref] Because they deliver nicotine quickly to the brain, e-cigs are one of the most addictive methods of nicotine delivery.

A large meta-analysis found that nicotine replacement products (NRP) increased the likelihood of quitting smoking by 50-70%[ref]. However, the base rate for being able to quit cigarettes during any multi-month program remains low (~5 %??), and the number of people who are able to quit after NRP program is likewise low (~10-20%)[ref]. These stubbornly low rates of success have lead some researchers to wonder if something else is making cigarettes addictive. Recent research suggests that the addictiveness of cigarettes may be due to an interaction between MAOIs (which are found in tobacco smoke) and nicotine. Gwern’s writeup contains much more discussion and extensive references on this point.

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anyone here with a sourin

also mango is s tier u are very stupid

yeah got an air


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I can replace cigs with gum and with vape with little to no withdrawal symptoms as long as the dose is high enough. Shit is rough though trying to quit. I legit had an easier time stopping heroin than I did with nicotine.

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I do want to stop smoking/nicotine completely but it’s very hard to deal with the intense mood swings and irritability I get when quitting.

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With the vape, I’ve been clean for 2 months now. It was way easier than I expected

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yeah it’s not hard at all but try and quit nicotine shits fucking WILD

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Yeah no interest in that

i have a real easy time quitting once I’m on only nic its the stayin quit smh

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I gave up like 5 drugs I was addicted to but yea lol nicotine is nightmare mode

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i’m not trying to turn this into weed thread but i think that’d be even harder than nicotine for me

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yeah im addicted to POT

Awesome bro

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No cigs for a while for me atleast. First weeks awful but it gets better pretty fast.



whats the point of vaping when cigarettes are so much better

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