juul thread

thinking about quitting tho… need to save money… saving for a house…

casa del robert… by the grace of god it will be beautiful…

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hahaha vaping with no nicotine???

fucken suck on a lolipop or a knob ye dimwits

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blegh. this is the opposite for me, maybe the only satisfaction from cigs i get is the rush from not having one for quite a while, but otherwise i prefer vaping

vaping is harsher than smoking a bong

i like the smooth blend of my 100s winston greens

It was for the first week, but now it's smoother.

I switched for economic reasons and because I'm allergic to smoke (got so bad I vomited every other time I smoked a cigarette)

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you have way better cigarettes :distress:

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marl black longs :ok_hand:t6:

who the fuck smokes those trash ass blacks besides gay ass wannabe hipsters just smoke reds they’re better

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Unless you’re broke and you’re smoking them because they’re .20 cents cheaper then more power to you

Also if you smoke 100s you’re officially a gay for smoking long pole

this seems to be quite important to u

i don’t smoke cigarettes anymore, but i definitely preferred the flavor of blacks to reds but i occasionally switched it up. and i always went through shorts too fast and enjoyed being outside for longer

yo wtf this happened to me too after like 2 year of cigs

i smoked 27s and camel blues

fuc off dont lie its not funny

I wish that would happen to me wtf

I want to quit SO FCKIN BAD

just pop a xanny anytime u want a cigarette, addiction gone

the only good drug is viagra