juul thread

lmao im not lying at all

i get similar shit too. but mine is more related to my general jaw dysfunction. smoking cigarettes creates way too much buildup, i already got nasal drip and places where smoke would culminate and wreck me. i plan on getting a nice vape soon. sucks that smoking is so good

if you drink a lot of coffee or do some other stimulants cigarettes are just godlike pairing

16 hour work day and stressed? just take like 6 smoke breaks no problemo

have you tried dmt

im still too pussy to breakthrough rn tbh i feel like it has high risk of derealization episodes

I quit cigs around the same time I took lysergamides :slight_smile:

one time I got knocked out and hit concrete with the back of my head shit was mad rough but I woke up and saw fractals shit was tight for that pSyChAdEliC experience

you havent taken rips like me if u think vapes are harsher

ive tried dmt multuple times ive strugled to fully break through

Key is to have someone else lighting it for you and forcing you to take more rips. Otherwise you just get too exhausted to keep ripping before you break through cause the body high is so heavy

Send me dmt for free mod position

both my sub breakthrough experiences put this weird fear in me… like it planted the idea in my head that I was about to see the rules of our universe broken

pretty unsettling and made me more scared of trying again

and like the sub breakthrough experience rly isn’t psychedelic to me in terms of headspace like lsd and shrooms are… feels way more alien and less conducive to psychedelic thoughts about anything other than the dmt experience itself

sick visuals tho

Go for it. I used to breakthrough every day for like 3 straight months. It owned

what was your motive

I had a shitload and doing that in my car on my lunch break made the rest of my shift own

I agree on the headspace thing. No breakthrough after the 1st gave me some real shit to think about, whereas every shrooms/acid trip did

u guys r fucking gay LOL just shoot heroin


ive never had a cig

ive smoked friends juuls a few times but shit wasnt that great and i was never really interested

pot can be fun though

rolling my freshly exported virginias all healthy up in this niqqaa