Klaze's Use of Moderator Powers to Gain Tactical Advantage in Mafia

There are two separate rules potentially being broken - and one or the other will be broken depending on whether the thread is locked.

In fact I thought you got annoyed when people posted after hammer, and I thought I was doing you a service by locking the threads.

If people don’t know mechanics that’s on them for not reading the op

And I have said time and time again that this is a question of clear-cut rules and clear-cut enforcement

All it takes is one dude being warned or zeused for doing something and for that rule to be consistently upheld when it's tested and the vast majority of the forum will know the rules and live by them

Yeah and people post after hammer because it’s not always obvious. So the leeway has to be there. The best option is to have thread locked on hammer always if host can’t always be present.

You guys are all just talking past each other

I can fix this but my concern is that I will invest time into it and it will be disregarded

Basically this is all bees’ fault

I’d like to know what stands to be gained by leaving the thread open but zeusing players for posting in it. Seems like we’re just masochists – but now that you mention it, I know I am.

That’s not at all my suggestion

Then why did it take 450 posts to say “let’s auto-lock threads after hammer”?

I said that in my first post.

What if there is a hidden mechanic that only the hosts.knows about. That affects vote counting. It should be host specific in my mind.

i’m a proponent of instant thread closing and asap flips

i’m fine that roragok isn’t and i’m fine if other hosts disagree

i just wish that roragok were more clear on which rules were important to him and was more explicit that the thread closing had bothered him between the game 2 games ago and this one

but ofc he’s the one graciously hosting so i dont wanna sound like a brat, it’s just i feel like there’s been a lack of clarity in communication here

Rora made it very clear he didn’t like when I closed the thread which is why I didn’t play last game

That said I do disagree

still couldve been reiterated in the OP of the last game

or he couldve just spoken up about it when klaze closed d1 or d2 in the EOD posts

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Seems like we have dan to blame for switching up mods without giving the new one an orientation


I think we should move past all of this and focus on future-proof solutions

However it is valuable feedback that expectations need to be communicated clearly - that is basically what I have been saying (along with the enforcement bit, which doesn’t mean zeus people, it just means communicate clearly “you will get 1 warning for this, then zeused” then actually follow it so people know it will be followed)

Say what you are to anyone
And you reveal you’re weak, here
Where would you go to lose all your angles?
How would you make it complete?

You nullify and cut em off
Review the light supreme
Who would you follow
Any way they wanted
If at the end you’d be free?

And if it looks like my anymore
Internal world, the one worth living
But if it looks like my anymore
Internal world, the one worth living
But if it looks like my anymore
Internal world, the one worth living
But if it looks like my anymore
Internal world, the one worth living

But I’m not the one who’s always right
I’m not the one who’s always right
I’m not the one who’s always right
I’m not the one who’s always right

Nobody is inanimate
Nobody’s just one here, here
Where would you go to lose all your angles?
How would you make it complete?

You have a face for everyone
You have a face for me, yeah
Who would you follow
Any way they wanted
If at the end you’d be free?

And if it looks like my anymore
Internal world, the one worth living
But if it looks like my anymore
Internal world, the one worth living
But if it looks like my anymore
Internal world, the one worth living
But if it looks like my anymore
Internal world, the one worth living

But I’m not the one who’s always right
I’m not the one who’s always right
I’m not the one who’s always right
I’m not the one who’s always right

I’m not the one who’s always right
I’m not the one who’s always right
I’m not the one who’s always right
I’m not the one who’s always right
I’m not the one who’s always right
I’m not the one who’s always right
I’m not the one who’s always right
I’m not the one who’s always right


Funny how it always comes right back to lbj is the best mafia mod for this godforsaken website