Klaze's Use of Moderator Powers to Gain Tactical Advantage in Mafia

Can you not.

And Iā€™d blame you (and my poor reading comprehension) for this for blaming Klaze and stirring up emotions.

Well Klaze deserved to be blamed and used as an example

His action actually impacted the game

And you can see clearly that Roragok expected this game people to be able to post after hammer - which does happen in some games.

Additionally Klaze hasnā€™t really issued any apology beyond ā€œOh this is not my fault because I didnā€™t knowā€ which isnā€™t an apology at all.

Also I think maybe if there are some hidden mechanics that occur contingent on people posting past eod the op should not say donā€™t post past eod?

Not that Iā€™m expecting some long apology but at least admit fault and admit that you see how itā€™s a conflict of interest

Klaze donā€™t apologize
If you do youā€™ll be asouls bitch forvwr

I donā€™t see your apologies anywher ebut youā€™re my bitch forever lbj


Seems your theory doesnā€™t hold up.

It holds up

Like Iā€™ve stated, I donā€™t agree with him locking the thread but Iā€™d still classify this as a gray area because a major game event happening post hammer is equally as game ruining.


The only way I was gaining an advantage in any way, would be if another player broke the rules (or at best played very shady, ccā€™ing after hammer) and posted after hammer.

You gained an advantage in the sense that a rule would likely be broken either way, one scum-favored and one town-favored.

I understand, but that is Roragokā€™s expectation in setting up the game

Heā€™s clearly expressed that EOD isnā€™t hammer, EOD is when host comes in and ends day

I understand that you might not agree with this but heā€™s explaining what his expectation was - maybe this will change in future games

Klaze shocking lack of introspection

eod isnā€™t hammer but people should stop posting after hammer

Whereā€™s the significant difference

Weā€™ve deleted posts before that occurred post hammer. If thatā€™s changed then maybe Iā€™m wrong about this issue.

In short: I did not consider my own gameplan and the impact me closing the thread had on it when I did it. I thought I was just doing what was expected of me to do. If I was wrong here and I shouldā€™ve left the thread open (for some reason I donā€™t understand) I apologize.

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