Klaze's Use of Moderator Powers to Gain Tactical Advantage in Mafia

That being said I really don’t understand Rora’s point of view here, as I don’t see any negatives with closing the thread, and leaving it open comes with a myriad of them

Because we are talking about principle and you are arguing about the specific game in question

Principle: Active players in a mafia game can’t act as moderators on that mafia game
Players don’t decide when a day ends, host does

Actual: We’d like threads to close when hammer’s reached
In the last game, there was no hidden mechanic that Klaze didn’t know about when locking the thread

on principle, closed setups with vote manipulation roles or modified hammer rules

  1. suck
  2. should be announced as a possibility in the OP to lessen the suck

and in every other case, closing thread on hammer asap is still optimal

I don’t think players should ever lock the thread but since other rules get broken when it isn’t done it’s a GRAY AREA and we shouldn’t blame anyone but fix the moderation of the games (auto or not) like Wintermute is saying.



I don’t think rora has actually tried to understand why he’s against threads being Locked at hammer by someone other than him in a setup where he says not to post after hammer beyond “it’s my host it’s my rules”

Ultimately it’s this: By the rules Roragok set up I did, in fact, have the right to post after hammer if I ahd something to post on EOD1

By Roragok’s rules, dan did have the right to claim after hammer

Klaze isn’t supposed to lock the thread to decide against that.

We’ve talked about this ad nauseam and don’t need to consider discussing how you think that roragok’s original rules should be amended, don’t think people should post after hammer, etc. But those were the rules

arent you the one talking about the specific game over the principles now?

It's not "optimal" you ■■■■■■ there are different schools of thought and it's always beneficial to town to continue discussing

It’s just an edge case. That I mean the bit will have no info on any vote manipulation roles. Nor will anyone but the host.

Posting after hammer gets discussed as a rule violation after every single hammer.

(Paradoxically) as a rule violation in itself.

so right so clean

I think we’ve always had people posting around/after hammer

We could even set mafiabot up to leave 5 mins after hammer for “dying breath” type shit - this is not at all unusual in mafia and I’ve seen it in ToS and ToL as well

This could be quite a fun experience too - you could write a lambda step function to do it - nice learning experience

If players know that eod lasts till x time or majority, they should be able to make plays like hammering while someone is typing a long post. Just like if someone isn’t able to get a post out before the time limit is reached, they shouldn’t be able to do so after the lynch limit is reached

i consider the ability to post after hammer bad for the game of mafia in general (personal opinion)

yes its something i should consider before signing and just avoid those games

but im talking in the abstract

i don’t disagree if the host is clear about twilight being a thing, it should be respected

but if it’s ambiguous i expect it to not be enabled

it’s arguable how clear roragok was last game

I think we should just have this discussion privately and remove all the garbage shitposting from it

We can decide on something and fix this easily

when my posts get flagged