Kyle Rittenhouse NOT GUILTY of all charges

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good got quote usage

dude he just went on tucker Carlson and said he supports BLM lmao

this happened hours ago too how'd that not make it into this thread

Helllllloooooooo Kyle Rittenhouse

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did you really make this comparison oh my god

dont agree with gamuts view on this except for strutting around with an ar15 being inherently shitty regardless of the law

but youā€™re gatekeeping like crazy

people can have opinions on things lol, idk why the qualifier

and sitting here getting upset and yelling at gamut is arguably less productive than whatever heā€™s doing

We just fucking hate canadians and we're finally not keeping it bottled up anymore. fucking dudley do dumbs!

we were raised with different values in a few ways

maybe you dont actually grasp how often we hear about/learn about/talk about your country in our day to day lives (hint: its 1000x more often than you hear talk or think about any country besides your own)

our movies, music, food, news, politics all basically are determined by what your country does, thats why we care about things and get upset about certain things sometimes

its physically impossible to just ignore whatever america is doing, like you couldnā€™t do it unless you lived in the woods and never looked at a tv, newspaper, or computer

i also think the reason you find these discussions annoying is just politics fatigue, things have become very obnoxious since 2016

Here here

Of course jealous Canadians canā€™t keep our names out their mouth

Look bro you stay up there and ice fish and hunt seals weā€™ll stay down here and continue being the greatest there ever was



I mean sure

the strain of brain damage I was describing is more specifically when said Canadians and euros start talking as if the problems are trivial and obvious and start deluding themselves into talking with this sort of tone that conveys "lol Americans it's so obvious if you all just listened to me you could easily fix everything"

when everything about our politics and cultural inertia is a huge clusterfuck and your top down view actually gives you little to no insight on actual practical avenues to improvement

see: all of gamuts recent drivel

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just be Norway 4Head

- literal (in the figurative sense) braindead Canadian gamut guitars

love it


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