Kyle Rittenhouse NOT GUILTY of all charges

Nyte is posting better


Still waiting for an update on this

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Yes read her twitter

Do you think a woman who masturbates on video for money and is driven by her hormones and sexual urges could ever be faithful to a single man

But she did tweet some shit about getting her guts rearranged and looking for volunteers

wish i could tweet that and have it go somewhere

Forget your woke progressive bullshit and curb stomp all commies in your country then u'll be okay

Also grow a pair and like Poland on ur southern border. Actually I bet if u shot a wetback or 2 the gimmiegrants would turn around

yes this is the flip side to but same tier as @gamut thinking

thank you for the demonstration

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Nice deflection. U just mad cuz ur people lack cahones now

This is her job & doesnt mean she's necessarily doing that

It's pretty common for sex workers on twitter (or just women who want attention) to be like "ahh i wish i had a guy here haha any volunteers?"

Just means she's annoying and attention-seeking, doesn't mean she's actually sleeping with the guys in the replies

Notice the difference? One border has men other ones has progressives

Pic is Belarus Poland border

Other border has poopypantse biden

We need clarification from gamut


oh I don’t think the problems have easy or simple solutions

@Gamut does your girlfriend fuck other dudes

Let me pm her and find out


If you subscribe to her Onlyfans, you can find out for sure.

Gamut as a general rule how do you feel about a person you're in a relationship with having sex with other people