i dont think theres any laws against it but im sure u could stretch some law into punishing them
i dont think they should be punished rn
i dont think theres any laws against it but im sure u could stretch some law into punishing them
i dont think they should be punished rn
Is a mech suit considered a gun?
but at some point the government should step in and come up with something to stop the FAKE NEWS
then stop watching any o fit
i personally do not. i just live in maryland and thus follow super democrats on social media
so i just see their reposts of the bullshit headlines
then you're watching it bruv
if it has a ballistic weapons then yes
There were previously laws about it
It's very difficult to have the federal government discern what is true or a lie
there was previously a supreme court ruling against private weapons used in public. times change
Do you want Trump appointed cabinet members declaring the truth?
in fact it was considered illegal to own a firearm unless you were part of registered militia
i can read let them say what they want
I assume you mean (((them)))
i don't know the name for it but you're trying to perform some kind of psychological or nomenclature fuckery on me and you know what i said
you scrote
3 parenthesis means you are referring to a group of Jewish people (who in this joke control the media)
oh word im not that dumb
Do not make me explain a joke again
Explanations have consequences