Kyle Rittenhouse NOT GUILTY of all charges

imagine subscribing to great man theory in the modern age

What is the great man theory

individuals drive humanity towards a singular point instead of trends or resources

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Too complicated for me. I buy bitcoin and hold :gem::raised_hand:

Too complicated for me. I read books :open_book: :weary:

It's supremely sexist that we do not have any founding mommys

Got upvoted when they didn't understand I was being satirical

if you cannot prove it is true then stop reporting it??

like there are certainly opinions and opinions are fine but there's a certain line u cross

like blatantly reporting false shit should have serious charges

the state is the one who determines the charges. thus the state determines what is a falsehoood

err reverse

i dont mean that CNN can't go on air saying "i think kyle is guilty" thats an opinion

but blatantly lying about whats happening is court isn't an opinion, it's just lying about facts

now that he's been found acquitted i don't think they should be allowed to call him guilty anymore

bruh the "media" has lied a lot to you before this. do you think the government should be policing media execs and tossing them in jail for 'false facts'

yes i'm aware. if this was a thread about january 6 i'd be blaming media for shit too

its not 1 party or 1 media group doing it

you parrot a lot of fascist ideology

but yes i 100% do think if you go in front of millions of eyes and blatantly lie you should have charges placed against you. start with fines, if they dont stop then jail em idc