Lbj mafia #1 day 4

Oh and u being trash too but for different reasons

Sorry but you canā€™t just call someone a trash human being without backing it up

Hence me challenging you on what you believe

Answer the question

As someone who saw slith act the way he did at the fall of nadota, yes I 100% can call slith a trash human being


Youā€™re like too dumb to even exist

And you are too trash to even be picked up from in front of my house on fridays

You can feel free to elaborate on this but just know I will get a lot of sick, sadistic enjoyment out of it

To answer your question I have no clue about anyone and cp, nor do I wanna

U gaslight and thatā€™s trash human behavior

You 100% entered this thread to insult me because you were hurt that I mentioned I thought slith was a better moderator than ā€œthe current stockā€ which you took to mean you

Nah I donā€™t care about whether you think heā€™s better than any of the mods, me included. Because he isnā€™t. He is trash at being mod and trash at being human.

And if you feel that I hurt your feelings with my hastily typed up ā€œinsultā€ you should analyze why

Also, to say I ā€œentered this threadā€ when I created it and my name is in the title is a little much, no?

I think itā€™s inappropriate for you to call people trash human beings and I think youā€™re consistently wrong in your judgment of situations and react immaturely to basic disagreements that come up

I also wish you would have said you believe Slithereen has a CP problem because that would be really funny

What you think is appropriate or not has no bearing on the fact that sloths actions at the tail end of nadota made him trash and nothing u say will change that let alone anything you say in my thread

I will not stand for slith apologists and as far as Iā€™m concerned they are just as bad as he is

Banning ewiz was correct and is still correct

One day people on this website will have to face the ugly task of disagreeing with or moderating ewiz and they will learn what sort of person he really is

People have done far worse and gotten off with far less and like I said you are as trash as slith if u insist on defending him

Yes I believe the two of you sit in discord and circlejerk over cp daily