Lmao call the police retards

Are people really so maladjusted that they talk shit about each other then pretend it’s jokes then go back and act like you’re just joking because it’s so bad but then double back like never take what we say at face value and then triple back like yo dawg we’re friends and I joke about how bad it is because it’s bad and this is how we check each other except we don’t check each other I’m just laughing and smearing him because he actually annoys the fuck out of me when he’s all bragging at me like a retard and I want people to see him in this awful light to shut him up while making myself feel better because I feel kinda badly that this idiot I normally stand taller around is just getting more than I am, what a slime ball I always knew he was a bad person. You agree with me, don’t you? I’m the good one between us.