Lmao call the police retards

U think I’m just mad because my friend is having sex…is that why you think I’m insane I legitimately don’t get it

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I tried to read it, it made no sense and I started laughing (I usually Like posts that I find entertaining)


Real quick: do you actually read Ian’s posts?

I’m not gonna take back anything I said… he’s a legitimate pedophile and his going for the minimum age of consent to start his sexual adventures is concerning

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Don’t think that’s what pedophile means

He is a pedophile because he used to show me photos of 12 year olds in bikinis

Kinda makes you sound like the pedophile dawg

I would NOT want Ian as my friend.

Keeping around your friend who shows you pics of 12 year olds in bikinis? Reaction testing? And you don’t react? Lol

I told him very explicitly not to show me the pictures of 12 year olds in bikinis

I told him very explicitly not to show me pictures of 12 year olds in bikinis

And how many times did he do it?

Twice before I made him stop

Hey, just because you’re friends with a pedophile doesn’t make you one. I’m friends with @LuckyArtist but I’d never have sexual thoughts about anyone underage


He kept talking about liking young teens…I thought it was a phase and maybe he would drop it…he sort of did in that I stopped talking to him

It’s very obvious what Ian is doing though. He’s trying to get Jdance to back to the site by constantly smearing his name, I appreciate that.

So it stopped…?


Yes, when I stopped talking to him for a while then started again
