Lmao call the police retards

  1. Ian always makes shit up to make me look bad. He does this to feel better about himself.

Stop falling for it

Thanks turk I fucking love you dude

Biology be like reproduction is the main purpose in life

Deepthroat be like that’s rape and creepy

Another classic case of date rape here

Fucking retards

Planning ahead - an obvious case of the date rape

I leave this forum for 2 weeks and I fuck three girls, each one twice as hot as the hottest girl deepthroat has ever squeaked hello to

Get the fuck off me faggot

This is rape

The statistics do not lie - all men are rapists, and creepy


It’s not a good look that you’re riding out a huge endorphin rush from what appears your first snapchat sext.


Great work on the gym however - I ditched bodyweight training and got a gym membership on a Push-Pull self-assumulated program, will send progress pics in a month.

Good thread.

the ruler of wakanda has returned


considering the picture you put in your profile, you have some insecurities. So your story most likely has some embellishments in it.

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Christmas came early, welcome back jdance


I wanted to be first reply in this thread but I was just so shocked I couldn’t think of anything. Awaiting deepthroat reply.

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I was angry when I wrote this post - no endorphin rush

What did I make up


It’s the exact same way u we’re talking to me about it…annoying