MafiaUniverse Championship

Got a message from Thingyman.

Anyone interested?

I vote yns for our rep

I vote yns

alright let’s do it

If I land vigilante in any of the games I’m hard claiming first day and shooting my scum read

Lol I'm surprised they keep inviting us

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Yns if you don't get banned there u iz a bitch

@yns make us proud.

I LOL'ed



thingy's got more patience than i do bless him

Looks like the deadline for accepting was last Friday, but the first round games are staggered, so they are still accepting people.

@yns if you want to do this go there and create an account soon.

against all the evil that hell can conjure, all the wickedness that mankind can produce. we’ll send unto them, only yns

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Fools rush in where Angels fear to tread.
There is a fine line between an idiot and a hero.
I believe that yns can walk that fine line.


im not participating but I too nominate the young nword, Sigma, as the rep for the forum

Alright I posted in the sign up thread what else do I need to do

My username is yns

I guess you need to send a pm to Lissa.
Or maybe just @ her in the signup thread.