Magic the Gathering thread

WOTC knows commander is the real cash cow as people get fatigued from increasing bans in standard. Limited and eternal format gang underrepresented :frowning:

I'm a poor demographic to appease though I still run Cruel Control in modern I'm a masochist :frowning:

Commander is getting draft boxes this fall, along with boxes that are focused around providing staples for a single color, so hopefully that means they'll stop underrepresenting eternal. Although, the price of double masters boxes really shows how far they'll go to please the resale markets. I want one of those boxes so much, but fuck $300

I wish I had faith in masters sets but most of their limited experiences trended down for me. Getting dinrova horror'd out of a game is not my idea of fun and most people only phantom draft this type of ish bc of the price. Unsure of commander based limited or what it entails though

Yeah, no details yet. Masters stuff is super good for commander because you only need one of each card, but Wizards set the prices for the boxes way too high so they wouldn't piss off the secondary market. Literally $300 for a double masters box

I managed to actually get a preorder for a jumpstart box: I can't wait for our magic group to do blind draft where you just grab two packs and shuffle and play. Also, the new art basic lands look so sick. I want the dog plains and the phyrexian swamp. Those two are going to be worth so much

Thought about doing the meta game challenge but after a few ranked bo3 of rakdos sac and losing them all I decided against it

Idk what it is but I just can’t pilot this against this meta’s ramp decks

At least before the new set dropped I could sort of pilot it versus temur rec

I'm making a rakdos sac deck right now

Village rites is god tier
Gonna be sad after rotation unless zendikar brings some fire tho

I mean for commander. I refuse to play anything but commander. Might do the jumpstart "two boosters, shuffle, go," thing though. I want those basic lands

Ohhh yeah idk. Jumpstart does seem like a cool version of limited tho.

Village rites is still p good. One b instant that sac’s a creature and draws two

Yeah, I grabbed that from a friend. I just have so many options because there's almost nothing banned

i hate temur rec so much

its not even fun to play

game 1 2 rec's by turn 5
game 2 3 aether gusts 2 lava coils 2 explosions 1 rec top 20


i wish i were a bigger degen so i could drop$150 and just play bant ramp until my eyes bled

next match
temur rec
i win on the draw g1 ofc, cuz its shit greedy fucking deck
now dude has 2 blast zones smh

lmfao top deck wars
dude draws explosion into dragonfire into sharknado into flame sweep jajajajaaj

This Boros houndmaster deck is some of the most fun shit ever even tho it’s a pretty bad and slow aggro deck

I don't get standard players. Maybe if you're an arena only person but even then it just grinds me down. Can't stomach more than a couple games