Magic the Gathering thread

The two mana mana rocks are great too. I also like the bounce lands

idk i tried playing barkhide troll and rimrock knight at some point and it was too greedy. deck loses a lot of velocity without 12 2 drops tho

Decks dead once rotation comes around

i only play standard/historic on arena to farm coins for draftos

You gotta teach me how to draft some time

we have the technology

Next time I get enough gold we can discord it up

Spent all my gold on packs to make the clover deck
I keep throwing

I’m learning
Also this devours sac decks
Which is why I built it

My college friend just snapped me pics of him at 49 and 0 in arena for M21 draft lmao

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He qualifies for the paper world tour back in 2012 through the big tournament in Richmond, but he wanted to finish college instead. What a loser

Rofl imagine choosing college over esports

It was real life sports. Paper magic

Even paper magic is esports

Alright here's the total price of one of each Eldraine card

Then there's this. It's a legit wizards product: if you redeem one of each card on mtgo for an entire set they send you this

Should I cop?

One of each card is perfect for commander and a sac deck is what I want to make next, so the Eldraine food stuff is perfect. Anyone with a bunch of time in Eldraine have an opinion?

i tried of draft of amonkhet remastered and got fucking dumpstered, definitely gonna have to learn this format

nice, i miss physical drafting and playing in pods, takes forever though

didn't even get to draw 1 card off my river hoopoe