Matticus Mafia Day 1

I still don't know why you scumread me other than that I've been on you and kyle (lynch your accuser)

if we take a sample of 10-100 examples of first 5 posts I am willing to bet whatever the amount of money I ll do a better job than you figuring out their alignment

because I don't townread you, your tone, your approach, your execution, your "game plan" when from 3 inactive thunderdome into defensive lynch of 2 relatively active players, you lack punch in any of your execution you seem cautions, you ask a lot of unimportant questions that seem more or less filler than actually a way to figure out my alignment.

its like you from 4-5 games ago where I couldnt really nail you as scum but I knew you were scum.

Good post. Now tell me why you townread kyle

I am trying to give you and klaze an out to refocus on scum instead of arguing all morning but you guys are both too proud to take it

Maybe my metaread on faz was wrong and he really is that thickheaded when it comes to kyle

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that'd be disappointing though

he has 3 specific posts that i dont think he makes as mafia

his flow is pretty decent same as slowdives flow this game, his progression on you (where he admitted to not really fos you at first but your reaction made him change the view, meaning he had a different view to begin with) it is weird for scum to push a strong player without a real reason, I just dont see it. his confidence is doesnt seem fake or arrogant it is almost need to be faked to be mafia.

bazinga is similar way so is jones but I almost need to lose to them being mafia and acting that way to learn my lesson until then I just trust my reads

Ian is playing similar to what I remember when he was SK, he has towny moments but then intent of pushing some lynches doesnt add up or make sense especially his progression doesnt seem solid

jena i dont honestly remember playing with lately outside of one game where he was a cop and I only read that one day we played together so im just watching what happens with him

magicninja and friend I honestly gave up reading them 3 years ago they are just null/crap pile I will lynch them pretty much anytime.

Magic can go either way but most likely townish this game
Friend's focus on SK in early post is likely mafia cause mafia just can't resist talking about SK

gwez is scum all his stuff just seems weak and filler but he is hard pushing klaze so sk/mafia unlikely mafia/mafia

then you got murs and rora who both could be mafia or town but hey they are too cool to post more than 2 times a day.

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sorry for having reads on all the players guys I guess I m just better than you or mafia.

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  1. Not sure what exactly "flow" means
  2. I don't see how you could ever see it like that, his whole push started with pointing out how I crumble under pressure and it seemed like a natural followup to point out how I did exactly that, likely a shitty play made by scum. I don't see how you view that as a changed worldview when that was what he sat himself up for
  3. You've played with kyle more than me, have you ever played a game with him where he has trolled to this extent as town? Because I thought that confidence seemed extremely fake, especially with the town circle shit

Does this day end


flow exactly means flow. How you read person's tone through out if it is choppy or continuous.

Like you read very monotonous, bazinga reads as high-testosterone ready to fight, Asoul like a kid who is high and says a lot of random shit that seems deep but really isn't, slowdive reads like happy kid who is having fun, nyte reads like a miserable person who works all the time and has no time to play outside of US night hours.

I read monotonous every game

Klaze has done a mild turn around but I’m going to lay out right now that your reactions have been really suggestive of you being scum, klaze.

I don’t know what to tell you at this point there’s no towntelling on you and I know you’ve adjusted your play style but how much? This just seems like more scum play and some slight fatigue.