Matticus Mafia Signups

If this is about to be a shot at lbj I dont want to be involved

the jenanda bollywood creationist museum of mafia rating algortihsm

If you think about it reality is evolution biased

mafia rating system = existing_rating^2 + (accumulated game rating).

this one's the most economically realistic

In my humble opinion this site lacks accountability on lynching correctly.

People dont ultimately care about winning or losing they only give a shit if they lynched correctly or what not.

So I believe if we create a semi decent systems rewarding players who do play well and lynch right and punish people who carelessly lynch town quality of games will improve.

when mafia pays my bills (who are currently being paid by my mom) i will feel accountability for mafia gameplay

are my bills a who or a which?



Once again, thanks for all the support.

Can you elaborate?

It would be kind of bad to create a ratings system and then see it used to discourage people and ultimately stop people from playing

if there's some MVP vote candidate or something like that, all games have to be played anonymously or I won't respect any rating system.

moreover posts should be placed through some google translate obfuscator before making its way to the forum.

why doesn't dan start sending out personalized placards for winning mafia games; that would get me playing

listening to this dumb internet meme/satire song and you hear him set up the rhyme with the word "luck" and just start laughing because you know it's coming

this matticus mafia I will send personalized congratulations cards hand picked out of the CVS to veryone who wins.

I think i'd like to be murdered

Can we make a plan to fly nmagame to the US and put an end to mafia once and for all

itd cost around 1.8k