Melee thread

wizzy is the best falcon currently, right? s2j was supposed to be but he kept choking vs armada/mang0. my chest still hurts from when s2j threw away a 2-0 lead vs armada in semis to get knocked into losers.

It’s back and forth but historically wizzy has a better record/time vs the top 6 than s2j does. Head to head tho I thinj s2j is bettter

havent watched melee in a while but im sure s2j is more enjoyable to watch than wizzy

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Ye not a big fan of wizzy’s style cuz he just looks for the same options, but he does do some cool things from time to time

N64 netplay?

yeah id play some diddykong racing n shit but also very down to play gamecube mario party games…

theres a plugin for discourse where you can set up events with timers and stuff…maybe i hsould get roragok to install it so it would be easy to organize these group plays of stuff.

Invite me for bomberman 64 1v1’s for permaban yeah ill be adding this to organize some bomberman 64 permabans

Damn didn’t know netplay actually worked, I’m laying claim to the Griffey 64 throne, eat shit Phil

lmao @Roragok u gonna take this L?

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Really looking forward to organized namafia game nights - be it emulated old games or new ones! That is one thing NaDota was truly missing and adding it would be a great idea

yeah, i like the ring of that. game night :eagerness:

All losers permabanned of course

fight me Orioles back then owned.

The thing is pretty much all the stuff that makes melee so awesome was a total fluke the designers didn’t intend

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They knew the bugs existed, didn’t think the community would be smart enough to find them iirc

When u look at some of the shit in 64 its pretty clear someone that was working on melee did alot of these things intentionally

if anyone wants to play melee during ti ill be there all week and im bringing a setup

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