Metagod Dota Advice thread / Ask me Dota Questions

Quad Tread Swap Macro?

im going to be real with you chief
this might be the stupidest shit ive seen all day
ill try it in my 4k pubs and tell u the results

u like this emote a lot huh nma

Best numeta builds in order:
Double tranq phoenix
Vanguard medallion riki
Hotd armlet axe
Tripple orb drow

Before valve ruined the game i got consistent rampages with warshock every time I played it

It’s probably the most original build too

Ember veil blademail octarine radiance before everybody actually bought those items

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He had bloodstone tho

Did you see the soros patch notes

whats ur favorite dota patch?

mine was 6.72 i think i really liked that one

Does 4 boots really work?

For stat bonus not movespeed

Does it actually work as a good item build no probably not

Wjat the fuck do u knlw

“probably not” the fuckkng arrogance

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I think I’ll cut the build down to Triple Power Treads. So I can call it the “Trip Treads” build.

The reason I’m cutting one is the hotkeys necessary to manage them. 4 is still good, but 3 is just the right number i think.

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Thanks man; I do it all for you guys.


that 4 tread broodmother watching you swap treads was fucking hysterical idk why

what is the “optimal” PL build Mr. Numale